Conversational decision support system post COVID ?misc
DR.CS: 18yr male with hyperbilirubinemia secondary to ?gilbert ?Criggler najjar DKA (resolved) ?denovo type 1 Dm C/o severe low back ache with tenderness + on examination His LFT on 11/6/2021 total bilirubin 6.7,direct 3.9,indirect 2.8,Ast,AlT,albumin normal On 12/6/2021 total bilirubin 8,direct 2, indirect 6,AST,ALT normal,ALP On 14/6/2021 total bilirubin 6,direct 4.5,indirect 1.5,AsT AlT normal,AlP 150 UsG abdomen :normal Pt has severe LBA since 1week and tenderness + sir Is there any sacroilitis sir? Dr.ZA: Subjectively-c/o lethargy from today afternoon. Did not pass urine the entire day. Objectively- pt is drowsy not responding to verbal commands, responding to painful stimulus , giving bizarre starey looks occasionally. BP-110/70 PR-70bpm regular normal volume Abdomen- Palpable bladder Assessment- ? Absence seizure / ? Intra parenchymal bleed Plan-sr electrolytes sent CT brain planned...
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